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Crocodile Hunting on the Daintree River

Having spent yesterday driving 6 hours to Port Douglas, it makes sense to spend today in the nearby region of Daintree; the largest continuous area of tropical rainforest in Australia.

Here we meet Juss of Daintree Naturals, who I met initially through the fantastic Itchy Feet Media, with whom I spent four days filming during the last week.

Juss knows (and owns) lots of Daintree-related things and quickly arranges for us to go crocodile hunting (to shoot them with cameras rather than guns) on the river.


We spend the afternoon at Cape Kimerbly, where I amuse myself by rolling around in the sand and playing with an large stick. I am essentially a child.

Beach 2

Much as we would like to foray farther into Cape Tribulation today, our way is sadly blocked by a broken bridge. Instead, we vow to come back the next day and head homewards for ice cream and bourbon.

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