
bench press


Squat Like a Dragon Slayer

FACT: Until you've ripped the ass from your cargo trousers mid-set, you have not squatted like a man. And until you have held in your laughter for long enough to finish the set, you have not learn the discipline be a DRAGON SLAYER!! At the gym today, I squatted ten tons in half an h...

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Tuesday: Manliness Training

Behold. Now cometh day two of "Sometimes I train like this..." - my attempt to summarise roughly how I like to train on a good week. It is subject to change and outright lies. Today I shall explain the joy of Tuesday, or Tiwesdæg in Old English. This means Tyr's Day, which is lovely. (Tyr bein...

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The Top 2% of the Weight Training Population?

[caption id="attachment_619" align="alignleft" width="179"] I had no relevant pictures, so here is my enormous drinking horn.[/caption] Good news! Somehow - don't ask how - I have been confusing my body weight conversations (from stone to kg) for the last year or so. I can now say with certainty ...

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