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The 200kg Deadlift

Having been ill for a couple of days, I went back to the gym with one thing on my mind – lifting the biggest possible thing I could. In other words, deadlifting again.

After a short warm-up (too short) and a few lifts at 60, 80 and 100kg, I loaded the bar heavier than I had ever loaded it before. My thinking was that sheer determination would get my through… (Nothing happens in this video until about 40 seconds in)


Sadly, I was so preoccupied with shifting the weight that my technique went to pot. My back was too arched, my hips too high and – when I did get it about knee level – I was so surprised that I didn’t push through my hips properly at all.

Even so, 200kg is pretty good going – even if it didn’t quite go all the way. Give me a few weeks and I’ll be there!

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