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Training Day Six: Punching Power

Having turned my calf muscles into porridge at boxing on Monday night, including any kind of leg work into my Tuesday training regime was simply out of the question.  Having done a hard back workout towards the end of the previous week, I decided it was about time to do a chest and triceps workout, to develop some serious punching power.  After all, when it comes to fight-night, I won’t be able to rely on experience!


Included in my training session were the following:

  • Bench presses: at 80, 90 and 100kg.
  • Dumbbell chest presses using pairs of dumbbells at: 36, 40 and 44kg
  • Triceps dips on: dip bars, then kettle bells with legs raised.
  • Triceps pulldown at 35kg.
  • Overhead triceps extensions at 27 kg.
  • Press-ups with legs raised.
  • Crunches and sit-ups
  • Step-ups
  • Diving rolls and so on.

I neglected to do any flyes or ‘squeezing’ work, as the gym was very busy and the kit wasn’t readily available.

When I returned from my training, however, it dawned upon me that preparation for the Gold Challenge will require more than physical fitness; it will require mental strength…it will require…discipline….

I therefore decided to develop my personal discipline, by undertaking a series of endurance events – 4 Challenges!

Challenge 1: To consume five cream crackers in one sitting, as fast as possible, without any water.

Challenge 2: To chew up two full packets of Hubba Bubba and flow a huge bubble.

Challenge 3: To consume a teaspoon of Rocket Fuel Extreme Coffee

Challenge 4: To drink a litre of orange squash (which turned out to be water) in one go.

True, manly challenges, I’m sure you’ll agree.

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