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What I've Been Up To

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Want to Lose Weight? Trying Eating Dust.

I need to get fit. Much as I have loved the last 5 months of adventuring, it has not been good for my health.

Too much beer, too many cakes and too long sitting on long-haul transportation has done terrible things to my body. I am fatter than ever before, my muscle has shriveled to the point of uselessness and my cardiovascular system probably resembles a set of bellows.

NEVERTHELESS, this seems like the perfect motivation to improve and become MORE POWERFUL THAN EVER BEFORE! Before I left in March, my training had reached a state of maintenance – I wasn’t really improving at anything, simply staying at the same level of fitness.  

My plan is to go running in the mornings before breakfast, to ensure that I am burning off my fat stores and not just the glucose in my muscles. Then, after feasting mightily throughout the day, I shall hit the gym to push my muscles into regaining their former strength.

With regards to training, I shall mix up a combination of heavy weight training for strength and longer endurance training to ensure I return to a state of moderate athleticism, rather than developing the fairly pointless ability to move heavy objects through strict plains of motion.

My previous diet was mainly meat, beer and cake. Frankly, I see nothing wrong with that and will say a cheery “Fuck you all!” to anybody who would care to lecture me otherwise. Even so, it seems wise to cut down on the crap a little bit until my newly bulging adipose tissue has returned to it’s technically unhealthy level.

Anyway, that’s about all I have to say on this tedious matter. I started my new training today, when my dad took me out for an 11km run. At 62 years of age, he had barely broken a sweat by the time I could no longer breathe, but that’s because he is made of iron.

Sticking to my clumsy lumbering pace, we covered the distance in about 61 minutes – which isn’t that bad, given my disgusting state.

Hopefully I can stick at this for longer than most my attempts to run!  One thing is for sure: if I want to get fit and lose some fat, there can hardly be a better way to do it than trying to keep up with my father!

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