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Weak for a Week!

I have been having problems with my right ankle. It has been weak for a week which, despite being a lovely rhyme, has been disrupting the small amount of training I have managed with my dodgy elbow and wheezing lungs. On Monday, I noticed the sole of my foot hurting quite a lot whilst skipping at boxing. As I got more into the actual boxing, the pain shifted into my ankle. At the gym last night, as I was using the punch bag, it really flared up, to the point that I could’t put any weight on it without a significant amount of discomfort.

The main pain seems to be in the tendons around my malleolus (the bony part of the ankle), but also extends up my calf, into my peroneal muscles:

I believe the problem is with my peroneal tendons, which could be related to the abnormal amount of running I have been doing, combined with the bouncing up and down and skipping involved in boxing. I tend to walk and run on the outside of my foot as well, which probably isn’t helping the situation.

It feels a bit better today, but I’m not certain I should start running around or wrestling… Damn this health!

(I borrowed this image

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