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Los Nordicos Debut

Tonight, 30 months after I first discovered Lucha Britannia, I had my very first match on one of their shows!

It was a London School of Lucha Libre student show, but the sheer quality of the wrestling was higher than almost any I have seen or been involved with. I would try and describe it, but the forthcoming show footage will do far more justice to the performance than I could hope to do with words.

I’ll post it on this blog when it is available.

My match was a tag match, with the mighty El Nordico as my tag team partner. Together, we were Los Nordicos: Vikings of fire and ice paired up to fight against Team Strong. The match itself was gloriously simple and went off without a hitch – making it one of the most enjoyable I have ever had!

(Although at one point I bumped badly and thought I’d broken my fingers – now I think they’re just sprained.)

All photos © 2014 AbsolutQueer Photography

Overall, my training with LSLL has been going well. I’ve been back at the school for about three months and, finally, I’ve started to move properly. My body is learning new things as well as remembering old stuff.

Of course, I have to be honest: there have been a few times where I’ve really started to wonder whether or not I can manage. There have been sessions where I’ve made mistake after mistake, and felt incapable of even keeping up – let along progressing.

But that’s not the Lucha Britannia way. It’s impossible to give up when you’re surrounded by a family of other people who want you to do well. So I’ve stuck at it – and it’s starting to pay off!

Watch this space! (If you’re into Vikings and wrestling…otherwise, maybe go look somewhere else…)

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