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What I've Been Up To

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20 Hours of Non-Stop Rockin

After a blissful 5 hours of sleep last night, I have now been awake for about 20 hours.

It started with a drive to Maidenhead and a train to London. I then conducted a case study with Sense Cost Consultants, which I spent the day writing up. I then proceeded to the BrewDog bar in Camden, where I photographed their brand spanking new beer cocktails for Zoo Magazine!

After drinking said cocktails (there were half a dozen of them), I trundled my way to the London School of Lucha Libre, where I trained solidly for three hours in the ancient art of “Free Fighting”, which is what the Spanish Speaking counties call their massively entertaining form of professional wrestling.

Based a stone’s throw from my old house in Bethnal Green (providing you can throw a stone 320 metres), the London School of Lucha Libre (LSLL) is a fantastic training school and the venue of Lucha Brittania; the “British and Mexican Lucha Libre wrestling, cabaret comedy show, event and club night”.

Unlike some other wrestling schools, nothing is neglected or overlooked at LSLL; the warm-up was full of important stretches and exercises, the moves were taught and drilled thoroughly, and the feedback was honest, regular and often totally hilarious. It wasn’t just a case of learning moves for the sake of it either; every movement had a purpose and a reason – the art of Lucha Libre was at the centre of everything we did.

The trainers at LSLL are great and the other wrestlers are about the friendliest I’ve ever met. There was also none of the “give it a go and move on” attitude that is way too prevalent in the wrestling scene; every new move was explained and taught properly, then practised time and time again to iron out the kinks. I didn’t get the moves right by a long way but, in the few hours I was there, I learned a staggering amount about wrestling, about my own ability (or lack thereof), and about Lucha Libre in general.

My only regret is that, although they train three times a week, I am unlikely to be able to make as many sessions as I’d like. For one thing, I’d like to be at all of them! For another, Bethnal Green is a good 4-hour round trip from my house and, like it or not, I will need to sleep at some point…

When I eventually got home around 12:30, after 18.5 hours of rocking, there was only one thing left to do…drink!