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What I've Been Up To

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This evening was far too lovely to spend at the gym. Instead, I donned my white cotton trousers and took to the back garden, for some old-school exercises.

Armed only with an 18kg dumbbell and a broom handle, I had a most enjoyable time. It involved pressups, dumbbell curls, shoulder presses, windmill bends (or whatever the hell you call them) – even a plank, for a bit. I also practised my hand speed, by snatching leaves from bushes and playing with Ajax, the cat.

I finished with handstands and a long game of catch the stick, which involved through the broom handle high in the air. Then catching it. Over and over again. I had a championship…against myself. I represented every country and – amazingly – I won!

I’m hoping that a few sessions like this will build on my endurance, to help me push myself through longer sets and sessions in the gym.

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