100 Miles in a Day, eh?
When I signed up for the Gold Challenge, the only way to complete the road biking challenge was to take part in a series of organised group cycles. Not being a fan of organised things (or other people), I asked whether I could do something different, on my own…somewhere far, far away, where people have cake for breakfast and spend all day playing video games and drinking rum. Oh, and they cycle from time to time.
Today, I received an email, informing me that I would indeed be allowed to do my own road bike challenge! The only catch is that it has to be an endurance cycle of over 100 miles in a single day. Having researched this online, it appears to take a lot of training before this is possible…
So, naturally, I’ll give it a go. I might even train for it! How hard can it be, eh? It’s basically running, but with wheels…right?
Mar 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM /
Good luck! Essentially, you are correct. Being a little knowledgeable on the discipline might remove some pain, but pain is temporary, right? A couple small items for your consideration: invest in a pair of cycling shorts (trust me on this, you’ll be happy you did) and consider how you intend to ingest calories over a 7-8 hour period (an absolute requirement if you do not intend to pass out.