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What I've Been Up To

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At the Olympic Stadium

As I write is, I am standing just outside the Olympic Stadium for the London 2012 Games…waiting to walk inside and run the 100m.

How exactly I have ended up here is unclear. I do, however, know it involved dozens of generous people, all of whom I can’t thank enough for everything they have donated to this cause. Whether it was the sports themselves, the blog or the Tough Guy race that inspired you to donate, it a goes to the same great cause.

My progress in the challenge thus far has also involved the time, kindness and expertise of a few wonderful folk, who have taken me under their various wings and taught me the fundamental elements of their sport.

From High Wycombe Amateur Boxing Club, Wycombe Judo Club and Slough Freestyle Wrestling Club, who rekindled my love for combat, to Harry at the RGS High Wycombe, whose instruction in fencing taught me the other end of the combat spectrum.

The ladies at Booker Gym Club taught me to somersault, Mike M showed me how to use starting blocks and Eric Charleston lent me the bike upon which I shall cycle 100 miles. My own dad even patiently jogged by my side as I struggled with my limited training for the half marathon, teaching me to focus on breathing out as hard as breathing in.

There have been many others too, whose kind offerings of help haven’t yet come to fruition. I’m grateful to them as well, for keeping my enthusiasm alive.

I’d also like to thank the internet – primarily YouTube – the source of much of my new sporting knowledge.

I still have a way to go before this challenge is complete, but today is definintely a momentous occasion and one that I certainly won’t forget.

Oh and yes, I am wearing a cape.

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