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What I've Been Up To

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First Draft Complete!

At last, the first draft of a project SIX MONTHS IN THE WRITING has been completed and handed over to the wonderful Daz for illustration.

It still isn’t finished. There are bits to be added, bits to be removed and bits to be expanded and made, generally, better. Even so, after looking at this project day in and day out for months, I reached a point where I simply couldn’t tell if what I was writing was even relevant any more – let alone any good.

So it has been tied up and sent off for Daz to work his various forms of magic on it. When will it be available for public criticism? Some time this year. Hopefully.

Now I need something to fill the enormous book-shaped hole in my daily life…

…I’m thinking…ANOTHER BOOK!!

Seriously, I am thinking that. But first, perhaps some sleep.

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