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What I've Been Up To

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Like Pain? Try Jumping.

Jump more than 20 times and a row and you will actually melt off your own skin.

Yesterday night, at pro wrestling training, I decided to test my vertical leap.  Well. I say “decided”…I actually ran at something and leapt onto it, then didn’t quite believe I had done it, so tested it again.

Then Matt joined in and it became a challenge to see who could jump the highest. So we piled up some mats, then we piled up some more…and some more…

In the end, the mats were piled as high as my armpits…and still we managed to standing leap onto them from the ground.  I’m not sure exactly how high they were, but around 5 feet or 60 inches – which I think it pretty good…for people with no training in the art of jumping. 

Anyway, the upshot is that it now burns to walk.  Like…BURNS…to walk.  I’m pretty sure that means my legs are becoming ten times as powerful…but it could also be that I’ve damaged myself, which is far more likely. 

Only time will tell!


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