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First Time at Immortals Gym

My first session at Immortals Gym in Sheffield was a chest and triceps affair. Then I threw in some squats at the end, for fun.

Being one of my first sessions backs after months and months, I overestimated myself and started far too heavy. As a result, I failed to achieve the number of reps and sets I had hoped for.

My training diary suffers a little because there is no weight indicated on the plate stacks. Instead, I shall have to keep track of how many plates I was using.

Bench Press: 80kg x 2 x 8; 70kg x 1 x 10
Chest Press: 30kg x 2 x 8; 25kg x 2 x 10
Skull crushers: 15kg x 15, 12, 8
Hammer press: 20kg x 10, 12, 13
Pull Downs: 6 plates x 15; 8 plates x 9
One Arm Pull Downs: 6 plates x 8; 4 plates x 12

Squats: 60kg x 15 x 3 (30 seconds rest); 80kg x 10 x 3

Hanging leg raises: 10 x 3
Ab crunches, leg raises and bicycle crunches

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