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What I've Been Up To

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Make Your Own Murorga

For the last seven weeks, I have been suffering with somethingorotheritis. I picked it up in Cambodia, threw up multiple times every day for a month and have since been incapable of eating anything much without suffering with cramps, sweats and blurred vision beyond about four feet.

This ailment has also stripped me of around half a stone of good weight, given me a chunk of bad weight in exchange and pretty much sapped any strength I once had. I feel like a pudding on legs – and not a strong pudding either.

Today, the doctor told me “I don’t know what is wrong with you”. That didn’t help. Luckily, he also took some of my blood, so the local labs have a chance of figuring it out.

In the meantime, to cheer myself up about feeling pathetic and weak, I made a quick video about a time when I wasn’t. Hopefully if I watch it on repeat, it will remind me that I might one day be fit and healthy again.

Or I might die, who knows.

[youtube height=”360″ width=”640″][/youtube]


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