


To Fishguard…and Beyond!

This weekend, effectively gate-crashing a romantic getaway for my good friend Sam Steak Davis and his delightful girlfriend Rosie, the Guild descended upon Pembroke in Wales with the intention of going deep water soloing. For the confused amoungst you; Deep-water soloing (DWS) is a form of solo roc...

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I Want To Climb Trolltunga

1100 metres above sea level, jutting out 700 metres above lake Ringedalsvatnet in Western Trolltunga. I want to go there...and caper. Here is why. For one thing, its name means Troll's Tongue in Norwegian. If that isn't enough to make you want to ascend it, you're in the wrong place ...

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2012 in 12 Pictures

All in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for me. I tried to do at least one kickass thing for every month of the year.  Here is what I managed: [gallery type="rectangular" ids="574,1181,932,894,850,1683,2235,1068,2238,1540,1333,981,1131"] Info: this year, I completed Tough Guy Winter 2012, won...

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Adventure as Motivation

[caption id="attachment_1323" align="alignleft" width="225"] In California, 2008[/caption] Like most things, exercise requires purpose. Sometimes, that purpose is generally looking and feeling good, other times it is a more direct goal like running a marathon or performing better at a certain sport...

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