


Tough Guy!!

For some reason, I'm still not sure why, I have signed up for Tough Guy Winter 2012. When the organisers describe Tough Guy, they do so using one word: deprivation. They then use 200,000 more words, to boggle the mind and utterly confuse anybody taking part as to what is actually involved!...

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Wycombe Half Marathon: COMPLETE!

The half marathon is is over. Over. Thank the Gods! Having never really attempted anything like it, I decided to try to run 10-minute miles for the whole race. Being a 13.1 mile race, I should therefore finish in 2 hours and 11 minutes. If I managed to pull something out of my hat (we all wear ru...

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I went for a run on Friday (20/05/2011). A real run. Outside, in the world... It didn’t go very well. Or rather, it went very well for the first ten minutes or so. Around about then, however, I noticed a growing pain in my lower back. A mile or so later and the pain started getting wors...

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Half Marathon

I have just signed up for the Wycombe Half Marathon in July. I have never, ever run any considerable distance in my life. It's going to suck... As you can see from the diagram, the course is akin to Satan's balls. When it's not insane uphill, it's crazy downhill. As somebody who has never run...

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