
strength training


Winning Champion’s Strongest

This Sunday marked exactly one year to the day since I started strength training with a purpose. That sounds odd, I know. Surely the purpose of strength training is always strength? Well yes, but Guildspeople don't really train uni-directionally or for specific purposes. We cultivate an ambient l...

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Thursday: Strength and Power

I'm nearly there!. This is installment three of four in my "I kinda try to train along these lines" guide for anybody interested in how I train. If anybody out there is actually interested, I will eat my own hat. As a man who owns no hats, I'll also have to go out and purchase a hat. This I fear...

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Tuesday: Manliness Training

Behold. Now cometh day two of "Sometimes I train like this..." - my attempt to summarise roughly how I like to train on a good week. It is subject to change and outright lies. Today I shall explain the joy of Tuesday, or Tiwesdæg in Old English. This means Tyr's Day, which is lovely. (Tyr bein...

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Monday: Strength and Stability

OK, so here goes my plan to explain how I train on each day of the week. I know, I know - it's boring as hell. But here goes...Monday, or Mōnandæg as it is in Old English. It means Day of the Moon, essentially. That's pretty cool, eh? Now, as everybody knows, the Guild have ten times their no...

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