


Test of Strength?

I've never really been into powerlifting as a sport. It's presented as test of strength, but I've always felt like strength should imply the ability to perform a variety of physical feats - not just three highly practised movements (squat, bench press and deadlift). I mean, if a man can bench pr...

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Why Weight Training?

It's brainless, really. There's a bit of biology, physiology and simple maths, but weight training is pretty straightforward. For me, that's its appeal. The simpler the better, too. Three lifts: deadlift, squat and bench press. Do one of them correctly every day, and you'll get stronger. ...

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Quick Chest Session

My third session at Immortals Gym in Sheffield was quick morning chest session. Once again, I probably started too heavy to get through the number of sets I had in mind. Lacking any dip bars, I used chest press instead and finished the session with some extra work on my right side, which is lagg...

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Back at Immortals Gym

My second session at Immortals Gym in Sheffield was a quick session, focusing on back and biceps. At the end, I did some leg curls out of sheer guilt. Once again, the lack of weight markings on the plate stacks means I have had to record the number of plates rather than the weight for some exercis...

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First Time at Immortals Gym

My first session at Immortals Gym in Sheffield was a chest and triceps affair. Then I threw in some squats at the end, for fun. Being one of my first sessions backs after months and months, I overestimated myself and started far too heavy. As a result, I failed to achieve the number of reps and...

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4 Hours at Monster Gym, Cheshunt

Today, after dropping my brother at Gatwick airport to go adventuring, I had my first ever training session at Monster Gym in Cheshunt. One of my favourite things about Monster Gym is that, alongside its enormous weights room, dedicated cardio area and boxing/MMA gym (including bags, ring and...

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